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Index for Loose Court Records

Note: When searching for full names, use: Last Name, First Name (or initial)

Currently Includes: County Court through 1869 and Chancery Court 1840 – 1879

All court records up to 1919 were originally indexed by Kathy Niedergeses, with assistance from former archives staff. The digital format of the index was developed from her work. 

Under Construction: This database will eventually include all existing every-name indexes for all three courts: county, chancery, and circuit. In the future, indexes for additional decades will be added as they are created or as revisions are completed.


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Plaintiff(s) Type(s) Defendant(s) Case Details Date Court Case Number
Frazier, Martha Ann - widow of ; Frazier, Stephen S., dec. Widow’s Support Commissioners: ; White, John ; Nipper, Isaac ; McMasters, William 1858 County
Frazier, Stephen S., dec. Adm. Bond Frazier, Thomas S. - adm. ; Bondsman: ; Frazier, Thomas J. ; Comer, Aaron 1858 County
Frazier, Stephen S., dec. Estate Settlement Frazier, Thomas S. - adm. Inventory & Sale Bill 1858 County
German, Daniel, Sr. Will German, Elizabeth - wife ; Tulloss, Fannie E. German - dau. ; Tulloss, John E. ; German, Zacheus H. - son ; German, Daniel, Jr. - son ; Simmons, Eliza A. - dau. ; Anthony, William ; Anthony, Tennessee ; Anthony, Virginia E. ; Anthony, John F. ; Anthony, Zachius C. - heirs of ; Anthony, Mahala D., dec. - dau. ; Anthony, D. G. ; Anthony, John G. - heirs of ; Anthony, Matile (?), dec. 1858 County
Gist, Joseph ; Kelly, R. J. - sheriff Deed Hubberd, Felix G. 1858 County
Gordon, Eliza Ann - minor heir of ; Gordon, Joshua, dec. Guardian Bond Craig, John - Gua. ; Bondsmen: ; Craig, James ; Nichol, John A. 1858 County
Hagan, John A. Bond for Chairman of County Court 1858 County
Hail, Albina D. (Hale) ; Hail, Martha G. C. ; Hail, Aramenta T. ; Hail, Nancy A. - minor heirs of ; Hail, John A., dec. Guardian Bond McLaren, Robert L. - guardian ; Kelly, J. S. - bondsman 1858 County
Hail, John C., dec. Estate Settlement Claims Against the Estate 1858 County
Hail, John C., dec. Adm. Bond Locke, N. H. - adm. ; Bondsmen: ; Andrews, George H. ; Segraves, R. B. 1858 County
Hail, John C. (Hale) Estate Settlement Huckaby, John C - adm.. Administrator Settlement 1858 County
Hail, Leander Jackson ; Hail, Mary A. ; Hail, Elizabeth ; Hail, Eliza - minor heirs of ; Hail, Aaron P., dec Guardian Bond Lumpkins, William H. - guardian ; Bailey, Booker - bondsman 1858 County
Hail, Leander J. ; Hail, Mary A. ; Hail, Elizabeth ; Hail, Eliza - minor heirs of ; Hail, Aaron P., dec. Guardian Settlement Lumpkins, W. H. - gua. 1858 County
Hail, Tabitha ; Hail, Albina D. ; Hail, Martha G. C. ; Hail, Araminta T. ; Hail, Nancy A. - minor heirs of ; Hail, John A., dec. Guardian Settlement Hail, Martha - gua 1858 County
Hammonds, Willis, dec. Adm. Bond Hammonds, S. B. - adm. in room of Hammonds, A. B. ; Bondsmen: ; Scholes, R. H. ; Comer, Aaron 1858 County
Harwell, Josiah Deed Richardson, Thomas A. Conveyance 1858 County
Henderson, Richard Burgess ; Henderson, Matilda J. - minor heirs of ; Henderson, James F., dec. Guardian Bond Henderson, Isabella Jane - guardian ; Gaither, John S. - bondsman 1858 County
Holcomb, William P. Constable Bond Bondsmen: ; White, D. J. ; White, John ; Pettus, W. P. 1858 County
Holden, Thomas Deed Pickard, Henry L. 1858 County
Johnson, (Johnston) Henry, dec. ; Johnson, Miram - widow ; Belew, Raney ; Belew, Rebecca Johnson - dau. ; White, Ephain ; White, Kasiah Johnson - dau. ; Johnson, John - son ; Johnson, Aaron - son ; Johnson, Henry - son ; Smith, Elizabeth Johnson - dau., widow of ; Smith, John, dec. ; Heirs of Johnson, William - son ; Johnson, James ; Johnson, John ; Johnson, Henry ; Johnson, Sarah ; Johnson, Miram ; Johnson, Rebecca ; Johnson, Elizabeth ; Johnson, Margaret ; Heirs of Julia Grisham - dau. ; Grisham, William O. ; Grisham, George W. ; Grisham, Henry ; Grisham, Hiram ; Grisham, Columbus ; Grisham, Miram ; Grisham, Sarah P. Petition to Sale Land by heirs 1858 County
Johnston, John Estate Settlement Johnston, S. C. - adm. Estate Inventory 1858 County
Kelley, R. J. Sheriff Bond Bondsmen: ; Kelly, Thomas E. ; Kelly, James S. ; McClain, E. ; Kelly, G. ; Campbell, Samuel 1858 County
Kelly, George Constable Bond Bondsmen: ; Kelly, J. S. ; Pullen, Jesse ; Davis, W. C. 1858 County
Kelly, James ; Campbell, Samuel Deed Walker, Robert H. 1858 County
Kerns, David Deed Kerns, David P. 1858 County
Kidd, Thomas Deed Stewart, Mary - wife of ; Stewart, W. T. 1858 County
Kirk, William P. Mortgage Miller, Lewis ; Nicholson, C. H. et als 1858 County
Lanier, Matthew P. ; McLain, Charles (McLean) - adm. ; Warren, William ; Warren, Nancy Jane Lanier ; Gowers, Lycurgus ; Gowers, Martha Ann Lanier Petition to Sale Land Lanier, Mary A. ; Lanier, Wiley P. ; Lanier, Frances A. T. ; Lanier, Zachrey T. - children of ; Lanier, Matthew P. 1858 County
Linam, George W., dec. Estate Settlement Linam, Rachel - adm. Administrator Settlement 1858 County
Lindsey, John Daniel - minor heir of ; Lindsey, Andrew J., dec. Guardian Bond Kelly, James S. - guardian ; Bondsmen: ; Pullen, William ; Pullen, Jesse 1858 County
Lumpkins, A. Deed Mosley, A.S. 1858 County
Manuel, Payton, dec. ; Manuel, Dicy - widow Petition for Dower 1858 County
Massey, J. D. Deed Massey, Richard, Jr. 1858 County
McAlester, William Tax Collector Bond Bondsmen: ; Scott, Thomas M. ; McCalester, W. A. ; Turner, W. P. H. ; Maky, D. W., Sr. ; Frondren, James ; Bailey, J. E. 1858 County
McAnally, John Constable Bond Bondsmen: ; McAnally, Milton ; Kelly, James C. ; Nowlin, Davis B. 1858 County
McCalester, William Tax Collector Bond Bondsmen: ; Scott, Thomas M. ; McCalester, W. A. ; Turner, W. P. H. ; Maky, D. W., Sr. ; Frondren, James ; Bailey, J. E. 1858 County
McCluskey, W. M. Deed Pullen, James 1858 County
McDougal, J. F. Deed Myers, C. H. ; Witnesses: ; McAlester, W. A. ; Walker, J. F. ; Adkisson, D. H. ; Gabel, T. J. 1858 County
McKenny, Miller F., dec. Adm. Bond McKenny, Loucinda - adm. ; Bondsmen: ; Crabb, James H. ; Comer, Aaron 1858 County
McLaren, John, Jr. Constable Bond Bondsmen: ; McLaren, R. L. ; McLaren, John, Sr. ; Johnson, P. H. ; McLaren, F. M. 1858 County
McLaren, Tabitha S. - minor heir of ; Hail, John A. Guardian Bond McLaren, Frances M. - guardian ; Bondsmen: ; McLaren ; Haynes, Joseph 1858 County
McLean, Samuel, dec. Executor Bond Nowlin, David B. - exec. 1858 - 59 County
McMillen, Nelson Deed Dixon, S. C. 1858 County
Metcalfe, James Deed of Trust Matthews, B. F. 1858 County
Miller, Dorkes - widow of ; Miller, John Widow’s Support Commissioners: ; Holcombe, William P. ; Day, Joshua ; Kelton, John J. 1858 County
Moore, James Constable Bond Bondsmen: ; Davis, W. C. ; Hamilton, J. M. ; Scott, F. P. 1858 County
Neale, W. T. Transfer Neale, Mary J. ; Witnesses: ; Bentley, M. L. ; Bentley, A. W. 1858 County
Neely, Henry Appointed Road Overseer Room of Booker Bailey 1858 County
Nichols, A. M. (widow) Widow’s Support Commissioners: ; Welch, John L. ; Tracy, T. ; Reddell, David 1858 County
Nichols, A. M., dec. Adm. Bond McCrory, W. H. - adm. ; Bondsmen: ; White, John ; Chaffin, William ; Bentley, S. N. 1858 County