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Index for Loose Court Records

Note: When searching for full names, use: Last Name, First Name (or initial)

Currently Includes: County Court through 1869 and Chancery Court 1840 – 1879

All court records up to 1919 were originally indexed by Kathy Niedergeses, with assistance from former archives staff. The digital format of the index was developed from her work. 

Under Construction: This database will eventually include all existing every-name indexes for all three courts: county, chancery, and circuit. In the future, indexes for additional decades will be added as they are created or as revisions are completed.


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Plaintiff(s) Type(s) Defendant(s) Case Details Date Court Case Number
Harvey, Richard - by ; Bentley, L. Mino - assignee Land Entry 1849 County
Heffington, David R. Land Entry Pangh, R. D. - J.P. Entry #1340 - 200 acres 1849 County
Henderson, Thomas - by ; Sandy, Henry - assignee Land Entry 1849 County
Herrin, C. J. Surveyor Bond McLean, Charles ; Buchanan, F. ; Deavenport, Thomas D. 1849 County
Hannah, John Land Grant Grant #19775 - 74 acres on Clawfish Creek a branch of Shoal Creek 1849 County
Hughes, Franklin ; Hale, William B. Land Entry Entry #1492 - 126 1/2 acres 1849 County
Jackson, Andrew ; Jackson, Sarah D. ; Young, Joseph W. ; Young, Catherine ; Stephenson, Thomas ; Stephenson, Joseph O. ; Stephenson, Eliza Land Entry enters 85 acres 1849 County
Johnson, John B. Land Grant grant #19939 - 432 acres 1849 County
Johnson, John B. - assignee of ; Plummer, James R. Land Entry Entry #1420 - 190 acres Entry #1509 - 124 acres 1849 County
Johnson, Joseph A. Land Grant Grant #19939 - 432 acres 1849 County
Kennedy, F. H. Land Entry Entry #1047 - 91 acres 1849 County
Kerns, David P. ; Kerns, Nathaniel ; Kerns, Frances Guardian Bond Kerns, David - guardian 1849 County
Kidd, Jackson C. - heir of ; Kidd, George Land Entry Entry #1247 - 17 acres 1849 County
Klyce, Christopher Deed Yoakley, Hugh ; Hannah, James Caldwell 1849 County
Lemay, Lewis A. - assignee of ; Rochell Land Entry Entry #1341 - 100 acres 1849 County
Lindsey, Andrew J. (heirs) Land Entry Entry #978 - 400 acres 1849 County
Lindsey, John Daniel - minor heir of ; Lindsey, Andrew J. Guardian Bond Riddell, Samuel J. - guardian ; Riddell, Henry ; Candless, James M. 1849 County
Looney, David Land Grant grant #19939 - 432 acres 1849 County
Love, Matthew Will Love, Elizabeth - sister ; Love, Maxwell - brother ; Busby, Stephanus ; Haynes, Joseph 1849 County
Marcum, Reuben W. C. Land Entry Sellers, William C. ; Marcum, Daniel ; Massey, Pleasant Entry #975 - 161 acres 1849 County
Marcum, Ruben Deed Marcum, R. W. C. 1849 County
Martin, James ; Martin, William Guardian Settlement Counce, Peter 1849 County
Maxey, William - by ; Nelson, Robert - assignee ; Nelson, J. - assignee ; Bailey, Booker - assignee Land Entry 1849 County
Mewborn, Eli - assignee of ; ?, Isaac Land Entry enters 200 acres 1849 County
Miller, Joseph - by ; Dotson, Ebenezer B. - assignee Land Entry 1849 County
Milliken, Turner - assignee of ; Milliken, Robert Land Entry Entry #1439 - 125 acres 1849 County
McCalester, William - assignee of ; Roberts, Letisha & ; Counce, Peters - adm. Land Entry Entry #1245 - 183 acres 1849 County
McCanless, James Land Grant Grant #20011 - 199 acres 1849 County
McClendon, Nathan Land Entry Entry #1479 - 25 acres Entry #1405 - 75 acres 1849 County
McClendon, Nathan Deed Hagan, John A. 1849 County
McCracken, Mary - widow of ; McCracken, James Power of Attorney McCracken, John - attorney gives power of attorney to receive her revenue war pension 1849 County
McCrory, Wade H. - assignee of ; Welch, Liles Land Entry Entry #1039 - 126 acres 1849 County
McKnight, William, Jr. Trustee Report on common school bond 1849 County
McKnight, William, Jr. Trustee Bond McKnight, William, Sr. ; McLean, Charles 1849 County
McLean, John B. Land Entry Morrow, Archer ; Flippo, Henry ; Buchanan, G. M. ; Burris, William C. ; Buchanan, Franklin Entry #1288 - 200 acres 1849 County
Nelson, James Deed Nelson, Robert ; Bailey, Booker 1849 County
Nelson, Robert ; Nelson, J. ; Bailey, Booker - assignees of ; Nelson, Hugh - heir of ; Nelson, John - assignee of ; Maxey, William Land Entry Entry #1223 - 54 acres, enter 43 acres, enters 10 acres 1849 County
Newton, James H. Land Entry Welch, James Entry #1486 - 50 acres 1849 County
Olive, Sarah Proof of Ownership Ham, Buckly ; Maurton ?, Isaac ; Olive, Jesse B. proof she owns land entered (Entry #53) in the name of Armstrong, Susan 1849 County
Peppins, John L. Land Entry Walker, Francis Entry #1368 - 157 acres 1849 County
Pope, Quinney ? Land Entry Entry #1364 - 200 acres 1849 County
Powell, Benjamin - by ; Davis, Green B. - assignee Land Entry 1849 County
Prier, Thompson (heirs) Land Entry enters 200 acres 1849 County
Quillen, Charles Land Entry Entry #1475 - 200 acres 1849 County
Ratliff, E. W. - assignee of ; Ratliff, John N. Land Entry Entry #1307 - 171 acres & 112 poles 1849 County
Riddle, David V. ; Riddle, Martha ; Riddle, Mary ; Riddle, James Polk ; Riddle, Robert A. - heirs of ; Riddle, William Guardian Bond Riddle, David - guardian ; Riddle, Henry ; Palmore, Claiborne 1849 County
Rider, Elias Land Grant Grant #21237 - 188 acres 1849 County
Right, Thomas - assignee of ; Tyler, John Land Entry enters 100 acres, Entry #1444 1849 County
Roberts, Letisha - by ; McCalester, William - assignee Land Entry 1849 County
Robinson, A. B. (Robertson) Land Entry enters 185 acres 1849 County