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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Elizabeth Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
Ike Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
James Edward Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
Jennie L (Nelson) Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
Mary E Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
Thomas W Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
Viola Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
W P Henson Ethridge At Rest 99
Susan C Hewitt Ethridge At Rest 99
Deverd C Hilkert Ethridge At Rest 99
James Etler Hill Ethridge At Rest 99
Mary C Hill Ethridge At Rest 99
William P Hill Ethridge At Rest 99
Alma C Holt Ethridge At Rest 99
Bentley Holt Ethridge At Rest 99
Lydia L Hardin Holt Ethridge At Rest 99
Manuel F Holt Ethridge At Rest 99
Opal B Holt Ethridge At Rest 99
Pansy Dulsen Holtsford Ethridge At Rest 99
Amanda Hood Ethridge At Rest 99
Inf Hood Ethridge At Rest 99
Cecil Patterson Hosale Ethridge At Rest 99
Sarah L Huckaba Ethridge At Rest 99
John Robert Hudson Ethridge At Rest 99
John Wright Hunt Ethridge At Rest 99
James A Ivey Ethridge At Rest 99
Minnie Jackson Ethridge At Rest 99
Audrey Geneva James Ethridge At Rest 99
Hazel N James Ethridge At Rest 99
Inf James Ethridge At Rest 99
Lindsey James Ethridge At Rest 99
William James Ethridge At Rest 99
Edmondson Johnson Ethridge At Rest 99
Jacob Daniel Johnson Ethridge At Rest 99
M A Johnson Ethridge At Rest 99
Maggie Johnson Ethridge At Rest 99
Mary A Johnson Ethridge At Rest 99
Sidney H Johnson Ethridge At Rest 99
A B Jones Ethridge At Rest 100
Ethel Childress Jones Ethridge At Rest 100
Mary Jones Ethridge At Rest 100
Mary L Jones Ethridge At Rest 100
Rebecca Jones Ethridge At Rest 100
Robert Jones Ethridge At Rest 100
Emma Keeton Ethridge At Rest 100
Iverson Keeton Ethridge At Rest 100
Nora H Keeton Ethridge At Rest 100
William J Keeton Ethridge At Rest 100
Willie Keeton Ethridge At Rest 100
Jane King Kidd Ethridge At Rest 100