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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

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First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Martha Spain Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Nancy Spain Cedar Grove At Rest 59
William M Spain Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Clura Stults Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Dorindar Stults Cedar Grove At Rest 59
J S Stults Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Lambert Stults Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Nancy D Stults Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Nannie Stults Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Bonnie E Sweaney Cedar Grove At Rest 59
F Alice Sweaney Cedar Grove At Rest 59
George W Sweaney Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Harold Sweaney Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Martha J Sweaney Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Sarah C Sweaney Cedar Grove At Rest 59
W M Sweaney Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Eller Trimmer Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Matt Trimmer Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Lillie Maye Wayland Cedar Grove At Rest 59
Bessie Lurlene Bailey Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Charles Edward Bailey Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Inf Jack Jr Bailey Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Jack G Bailey Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Minnie Belle Bailey Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Inf Barnes Cedar Hill At Rest 60
John Baxter Barnes Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Nellie L Barnes Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Saallie Barnes Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Thomas J Barnes Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Florence Bivens Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Neal Bivens Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Sallie Bell Bivens Cedar Hill At Rest 60
W Rufus Bivens Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Alpha Braden Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Mary Alice McDow Bradley Cedar Grove At Rest 60
Inf Burch Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Ruby Burch Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Alma Clark Cedar Hill At Rest 60
George Clark Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Marandia Jane Copeland Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Simon Benjamin Copeland Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Martha E Crittendon Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Oscar Crittendon Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Edward Flatt Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Georgia A Flatt Cedar Hill At Rest 60
William G Flatt Cedar Hill At Rest 60
W D Griffin Cedar Hill At Rest 60
Lillender Olive Whitworth Cedar Grove At Rest 60
Nancy E Williams Cedar Grove At Rest 60
Samuel H Willis Cedar Grove At Rest 60