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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

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Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Robert L Bruton Spann At Rest 389
Zora Bruton Spann At Rest 389
Sarah Simonton* Davis Smith Burial Plot At Rest 389
Ed E Neal Sowell Fam At Rest 389
J M, Rev Sowell Sowell Fam At Rest 389
Joseph J Sowell Sowell Fam At Rest 389
Mary A Sowell Sowell Fam At Rest 389
Nall Sowell Sowell Fam At Rest 389
Sallie T Sowell Sowell Fam At Rest 389
William G Sowell Sowell Fam At Rest 389
Garfield Bruton Spann At Rest 390
George Bruton Spann At Rest 390
Lissie Bruton Spann At Rest 390
Malinda Bruton Spann At Rest 390
Roy Earlin Bruton Spann At Rest 390
Joe C Burns Spann At Rest 390
Luther Burns Spann At Rest 390
Nora Tice Burns Spann At Rest 390
Buford H Chambers Spann At Rest 390
J M Chambers Spann At Rest 390
Mary J Chambers Spann At Rest 390
W H Chambers Spann At Rest 390
Myrtle Crews Spann At Rest 390
E H Crouch Spann At Rest 390
Elmer L Crouch Spann At Rest 390
Willie E Crouch Spann At Rest 390
Baby Davis Spann At Rest 390
Wm Tony Davis Spann At Rest 390
A R Dial Spann At Rest 390
Tina Spann Dial Spann At Rest 390
Lou Finnie Spann At Rest 390
Homer L Galloway Spann At Rest 390
J J Galloway Spann At Rest 390
Mary J Galloway Spann At Rest 390
Larry B Garrett Spann At Rest 390
Everett Lee Gobbell Spann At Rest 390
Flossie Gobbell Spann At Rest 390
Jewell I Gobbell Spann At Rest 390
Martha E Gobbell Spann At Rest 390
Son of Archie & Jewell Gobbell Spann At Rest 390
William J Gobbell Spann At Rest 390
Charlie V Gower Spann At Rest 390
Clarence J Gower Spann At Rest 390
P H Gower Spann At Rest 390
Virgie Guffey Gresham Spann At Rest 390
Jean Guffey Spann At Rest 390
Mary Heareld Spann At Rest 390
Rattie A Hollis Spann At Rest 390
T A Hollis Spann At Rest 390
Annie L Hood Spann At Rest 390