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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Fred E Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 380
Jerry D Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 380
William M, Sr Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 380
Charles E Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 381
Glen T Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 381
Hubert K Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 381
Robert M Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 381
Sadie E Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 381
Wanda Jane Hedgeprth Shaw At Rest 381
Grady C Jacobs Shaw At Rest 381
Iva P Jacobs Shaw At Rest 381
Donald Ray Johnson Shaw At Rest 381
Linda Paulett Kelley Shaw At Rest 381
Cora M Landaw Shaw At Rest 381
David O Landaw Shaw At Rest 381
Belinda Ruth Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Fred E & Frank E Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Inf Dau of JP & RA Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
John P Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Laura Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Marion R Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Mary A Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Melvin Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Rachel Ann Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Roy Lanning Shaw At Rest 381
Cary H Linkinhoker Shaw At Rest 381
Milloe T Linkinhoker Shaw At Rest 381
Carrie Melissie Livingston Shaw At Rest 381
Marie Bishop Logue Shaw At Rest 381
John L Michael Shaw At Rest 381
Mattie Michael Shaw At Rest 381
Dolly May Moore Shaw At Rest 381
Franklin M Moore Shaw At Rest 381
Jimmie Kelley Moore Shaw At Rest 381
Hattie M Nelson Shaw At Rest 381
Inf Son Nelson Shaw At Rest 381
O A Nelson Shaw At Rest 381
Maggie Pace Shaw At Rest 381
Sam Pace Shaw At Rest 381
Frank Poore Shaw At Rest 381
Sarah Poore Shaw At Rest 381
Paul Taylor Ratcliff Shaw At Rest 381
Hazel Lance Sanders Shaw At Rest 381
John D Scott Shaw At Rest 381
Dessie A Shaw Shaw At Rest 382
Elizabeth Shaw Shaw At Rest 382
Ella M Shaw Shaw At Rest 382
Frank S Shaw Shaw At Rest 382
Harriet R Shaw Shaw At Rest 382
Iky B Shaw Shaw At Rest 382