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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Ada McMullin Shady Grove At Rest 378
Mattie J McMullin Shady Grove At Rest 378
Ross W McMullin Shady Grove At Rest 378
Emery G Parker Shady Grove At Rest 378
Octavia G Parker Shady Grove At Rest 378
Andrew W Ratliff Shady Grove At Rest 378
Layfaette Ratliff Shady Grove At Rest 378
Lucinda Ratliff Shady Grove At Rest 378
Luther* Sandy Selene At Rest 378
Claris Snyder Shady Grove At Rest 378
Grover C Snyder Shady Grove At Rest 378
Margie R Snyder Shady Grove At Rest 378
Norman W Snyder Shady Grove At Rest 378
Alvin H Staggs Shady Grove At Rest 378
Emma V Staggs Shady Grove At Rest 378
John G Staggs Shady Grove At Rest 378
Kenneth Wayne Staggs Shady Grove At Rest 378
Lola Mae Staggs Shady Grove At Rest 378
Margie Burdick Staggs Shady Grove At Rest 378
Marshell Staggs Shady Grove At Rest 378
Joe W Webb Shady Grove At Rest 378
Mabel F Webb Shady Grove At Rest 378
Douglas W Appleton Shaw At Rest 379
Easie Mabeline Appleton Shaw At Rest 379
Martha C Appleton Shaw At Rest 379
James Edward Armstrong Shaw At Rest 379
James Nev Armstrong Shaw At Rest 379
Mellie Armstrong Shaw At Rest 379
Melvin Armstrong Shaw At Rest 379
Inf Son of CH & LM Artman Shaw At Rest 379
Carrie L Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Franklin, (Boy) Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Inez Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
John W Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Mack A Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Robert Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Sara Ann Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Tommie, Mrs, (Dovie Duncan) Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Wiley, Mrs Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Wiulliam W Bishop Shaw At Rest 379
Bailey W, Rev Blessing Shaw At Rest 379
Lizzie C Blessing Shaw At Rest 379
Tennessee Blessing Shaw At Rest 379
Douglas Ray Boyd Shaw At Rest 379
Cecil Venard Braly Shaw At Rest 379
Pauline M Braly Shaw At Rest 379
Annie M Brooks Shaw At Rest 379
Morgan L Brooks Shaw At Rest 379
Fermon E Brown Shaw At Rest 379
Fermon Neal Brown Shaw At Rest 379