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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Minnie Schaffer Price Restview At Rest 351
Octavia Price Restview At Rest 351
Raliegh L Price Restview At Rest 351
Robert Edgar Price Restview At Rest 351
Herman Lee Purser Restview At Rest 351
Lois Purser Restview At Rest 351
Nancy Jane, Mrs Quillen Restview At Rest 351
John C Quillen Restview At Rest 351
Edwin T Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
Eliza J Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
George L Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
Nora Walker Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
Paul W Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
R R Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
Roxanna Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
V Floyd Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
W P Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
W W Reynolds Restview At Rest 352
Andrea Rhodes Restview At Rest 352
Carl A Rhodes Restview At Rest 352
Carl F Rhodes Restview At Rest 352
Brian Wade Richardson Restview At Rest 352
Edna H Richter Restview At Rest 352
Oscar Richter Restview At Rest 352
Robert Richter Restview At Rest 352
Georgie E Riddle Restview At Rest 352
Paul E Riddle Restview At Rest 352
Minnie Ridgeway Restview At Rest 352
Solon E Ridgeway Restview At Rest 352
Noah Riley Restview At Rest 352
Freemon E Rinks Restview At Rest 352
Hattie R Robertson Restview At Rest 352
James A Robertson Restview At Rest 352
John E Robertson Restview At Rest 352
Mae E Robertson Restview At Rest 352
Daniel J Robinson Restview At Rest 352
Laura W Russ Restview At Rest 352
William F Russ Restview At Rest 352
Bessie V Russell Restview At Rest 352
Robert J Russell Restview At Rest 352
Raymon Louis Sanderell Restview At Rest 352
Birdie L Sandrell Restview At Rest 352
Henry L Sandrell Restview At Rest 352
Nick M Sandrell Restview At Rest 352
James E Scott Restview At Rest 352
Blanche V Simpson Restview At Rest 352
Wm Mike Simpson Restview At Rest 352
Sharon E Sledge Restview At Rest 352
Alason Brown Smith Restview At Rest 353
B F L Smith Restview At Rest 353