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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
C P Hunt Restview At Rest 349
Peggy Jean Hunt Restview At Rest 349
G M Hurst Restview At Rest 349
Alma Doratha Jackson Restview At Rest 349
J H Jacobs Restview At Rest 349
Rachel E Jacobs Restview At Rest 349
Annie Crowder James Restview At Rest 349
Maud James Restview At Rest 349
Clara A Johnson Restview At Rest 349
Claudie B Johnson Restview At Rest 349
Cova Johnson Restview At Rest 349
Edna L Johnson Restview At Rest 349
Eldred Johnson Restview At Rest 349
Robt. Frank Johnson Restview At Rest 349
Fred Jones Restview At Rest 349
W Michael inf. Jones Restview At Rest 349
Harley H Sgt. Keener Restview At Rest 349
Lillie C Killen Restview At Rest 349
Lou A Killen Restview At Rest 349
Taylor Killen Restview At Rest 349
Jane Kimbrell Restview At Rest 349
Will Kimbrell Restview At Rest 349
Inf son Krick Restview At Rest 349
Regina Luella Krick Restview At Rest 349
Robert C Lance Restview At Rest 349
Sallie Lance Restview At Rest 349
Jesse L Landtroop Restview At Rest 349
Alvora Lee Restview At Rest 349
Carmel Lee Restview At Rest 349
Delbert M Lee Restview At Rest 349
L Lestha Littrell Restview At Rest 349
Lorene Littrell Restview At Rest 350
Mae Littrell Restview At Rest 350
Ruth W Littrell Restview At Rest 350
Taylor Littrell Restview At Rest 350
Ella S Looney Restview At Rest 350
H Richard Looney Restview At Rest 350
Henry L Looney Restview At Rest 350
Jess T Looney Restview At Rest 350
Joe C Looney Restview At Rest 350
Lona E Looney Restview At Rest 350
Robert M Looney Restview At Rest 350
Woodrow W Looney Restview At Rest 350
Louise T Lumpkins Restview At Rest 350
Nora E Lumpkins Restview At Rest 350
William M Lumpkins Restview At Rest 350
William W Lumpkins Restview At Rest 350
Lester Mabry Restview At Rest 350
Jerry Malone Restview At Rest 350
Minnie Malone Restview At Rest 350