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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
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Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Jeptha B Cantrell Oak Hill At Rest 314
Mary Ellen Cantrell Oak Hill At Rest 314
Olie Mae Cantrell Oak Hill At Rest 314
Rhoda R Cantrell Oak Hill At Rest 314
Robert L Cantrell Oak Hill At Rest 314
Glen Clark Oak Hill At Rest 314
Mathias Niemann Niemann Grave At Rest 314
Harriett Newell Eggleston North North Grave At Rest 314
John Copeland Oak Hill At Rest 315
Ruby Copeland Oak Hill At Rest 315
Tennie Copeland Oak Hill At Rest 315
Arrie W Crum Oak Hill At Rest 315
E M Crum Oak Hill At Rest 315
Elizabeth Crum Oak Hill At Rest 315
James Ray Crum Oak Hill At Rest 315
Claude Fincher Oak Hill At Rest 315
Delmer Ray Fincher Oak Hill At Rest 315
Bertha & Bertie Frazier Oak Hill At Rest 315
Blackburn C Frazier Oak Hill At Rest 315
Eula M Frazier Oak Hill At Rest 315
James E Frazier Oak Hill At Rest 315
Loue Frazier Oak Hill At Rest 315
W E Frazier Oak Hill At Rest 315
Michael Larry Glass Oak Hill At Rest 315
Hose Green Oak Hill At Rest 315
Amanda Grindstaff Oak Hill At Rest 315
Stella Grindstaff Oak Hill At Rest 315
Allen Hannah Oak Hill At Rest 315
Florence M Hannah Oak Hill At Rest 315
James W Hannah Oak Hill At Rest 315
John H Hannah Oak Hill At Rest 315
Otie Hannah Oak Hill At Rest 315
Bobby Joe Hayes Oak Hill At Rest 315
Doyle Hayes Oak Hill At Rest 315
James F Hayes Oak Hill At Rest 315
Judy Kay Hayes Oak Hill At Rest 315
Lavada M Hayes Oak Hill At Rest 315
Marjorie Hayes Oak Hill At Rest 315
Daniel Ausy Hyde Oak Hill At Rest 315
Hubert Hyde Oak Hill At Rest 315
Mary Bell Hyde Oak Hill At Rest 315
Elizabeth James Oak Hill At Rest 315
Della Johnson Oak Hill At Rest 315
Infant Johnson Oak Hill At Rest 315
Infant Johnson Oak Hill At Rest 315
Carl Justus Oak Hill At Rest 315
Addie M Kobeck Oak Hill At Rest 315
Albert L Kobeck Oak Hill At Rest 315
Cena E Konig Oak Hill At Rest 315
Luke M Konig Oak Hill At Rest 315