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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Alphia Jones Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Inf. dau Keener Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Amanda M Kelly Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Inf. son Killen Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Velma Killen Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Bob Lee Killen Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Albert H Kimble Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
John Emery Kimble Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Mary L Kimble Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Lucy Kimbrel Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Nervy Jane Kimbrel Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
W C Kimbrel Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Marvin Kimbrell Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Flora McCallum Lackey Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Mary Lackey Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Nannie M Lackey Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Thomas J Lackey Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
W K Lackey Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
William J Lackey Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Floyd LeMay Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Joe LeMay Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Martha L Libscomb Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Sam B Libscomb Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Alex F Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
George T Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Inf son of JW & Irene Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
James Walter Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
John Alsa Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Laura L Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Mat Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
William H Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Willie Dan Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Zora Parlee Liles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Sarah A Linam Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
C O Rev. Livengood Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Lillie Wayland Livengood Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
John J Loux Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Margaret Addie Loux Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Mildred Loux Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Inf. daughter Luker Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Birdie L Lumpkins Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Mattie Lumpkins Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Robert J Lumpkins Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
William J Lumpkins Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Sallie E Lyles Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Eddridge Paul Marsh Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Mary Bridget Marsh Mt. Nebo At Rest 292
Annie McClanahan Mt. Nebo At Rest 293
J M McClanahan Mt. Nebo At Rest 293
Owen McClanahan Mt. Nebo At Rest 293