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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Jerry M Gibson Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Luther Gibson Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Minnie G Gibson Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Thomas F Gibson Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
W H Gilbert Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
W I Gilbert Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Catherine Giles Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Mattie Goolsby Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Lillie Hale Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Louisa Hale Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Mary A Hale Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
W T Hale Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Willie Hale Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
A D, Miss Hall Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
James Frank Haney Mt. Nebo At Rest 289
Freda Hensley Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Thomas W Hensley Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Cora J Henson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
John T Henson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Mary J Henson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Mary K Henson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Emma Lee Herbert Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Martha A Herbert Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
S B, Dr. Herbert Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
C J, Dr. Herrin Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Bernice Marie Hodges Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Harry Thomas Hodges Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Auda Lee Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Frerara Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Inf. Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
James T Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Mamie Forsythe Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Mattie L Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
N Freemont Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
R C Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Samuel K Hollis Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Lewis Mack Holloway Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Charlie Horn Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Mabel Horn Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Sallie M Horn Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
James E Hornsey Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Ann Hubbell Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Parruck Hubbell Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
R L Johns Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Albert S Johnson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Andy Dr. Johnson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Emma Johnson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Robert A Johnson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
Timmie Ray Johnson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291
W W Johnson Mt. Nebo At Rest 291