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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Joseph L Bellefant Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Mattie Jones Bentley Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Callie Bumpus Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
John Clarence Carothers Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Tennie Carothers Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
James A Haynes Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
James William Hougs Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
C L Jones Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Elizabeth Kennedy Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Gertrude Kennedy Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Moses, Mr Porter Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Effie Provine Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Evia Lena Rhodes Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Son of CT&QA Rhodes Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Dillion Roach Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Edward F Sowell Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
John E Sowell Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Robert L Sowell Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
?? Summerhill Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Nancy P Wilkinson Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Effort Williams Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
Ad Wilson Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 281
D B, (Rich) Ashworth Mt Horeb At Rest 282
Betty J Dick Mt Horeb At Rest 282
Nora E Dick Mt Horeb At Rest 282
J L Dickey Mt Horeb At Rest 282
Jim H Dickey Mt Horeb At Rest 282
Mattie L Dickey Mt Horeb At Rest 282
Robert W Dickey Mt Horeb At Rest 282
Alice Bentley Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
William Bentley Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Alice Crauthers Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Henery Crauthers Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Howard Raye, Mr Hassell Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Earnest, Mr Houghes Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Sirless Houghes Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Flutcher Kennedy Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Birdie L Smith Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Geneva Smith Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Alex Webster Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Emma Webster Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Ollie Webster Mt Ararat - Black At Rest 282
Clayton Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283
Dester Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283
Elizabeth Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283
Everett Lindsey Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283
Hettie Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283
Lewis Elliot Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283
Margaret J Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283
Robert Adams Mt Lebanon At Rest 283