
2588 Highway 43 South
Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
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Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Ida Richardson Powers Leoma At Rest 203
Mattie C Price Leoma At Rest 203
Eva Prince Leoma At Rest 203
Miller Prince Leoma At Rest 203
Emily J Purcell Leoma At Rest 203
Louis G Purcell Leoma At Rest 203
Beula M Rhodes Leoma At Rest 203
Bonnie Nell Rhodes Leoma At Rest 203
Earnest R Rhodes Leoma At Rest 203
George E Rhodes Leoma At Rest 203
Henry Edgar Rhodes Leoma At Rest 203
Matilada A Rhodes Leoma At Rest 203
Myrtle L Rhodes Leoma At Rest 203
Floyd A Richardson Leoma At Rest 203
Floyd Arthur, Sr Richardson Leoma At Rest 203
Annie B Roberts Leoma At Rest 203
James R, (Bobby) Roberts Leoma At Rest 203
Lincoln T Roberts Leoma At Rest 203
Louella Rutledge Leoma At Rest 203
Arrie P Sanders Leoma At Rest 203
Arthur Sanders Leoma At Rest 203
Guy G Sanders Leoma At Rest 203
Mattie Sanders Leoma At Rest 203
Ada Amelia Coleman Seaver Leoma At Rest 204
James L Seaver Leoma At Rest 204
A L Simpson Leoma At Rest 204
Floid Simpson Leoma At Rest 204
Flora Simpson Leoma At Rest 204
Inf Dau Simpson Leoma At Rest 204
Roy C Simpson Leoma At Rest 204
Sue Simpson Leoma At Rest 204
Della Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Edgar Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Ethel F Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Grace M Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Isaac D Smith Leoma At Rest 204
James Lilburn Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Jennifer Lynn Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Lewis E Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Solomon B Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Willie E Smith Leoma At Rest 204
Mary E Springer Leoma At Rest 204
Robert C Springer Leoma At Rest 204
Tennie L Springer Leoma At Rest 204
William S Springer Leoma At Rest 204
Joseph Benjamin Stisher Leoma At Rest 204
Lula Stisher Leoma At Rest 204
J Ervin Taylor Leoma At Rest 204
Odessa C Taylor Leoma At Rest 204
Virginia Dell Taylor Leoma At Rest 204