
2588 Highway 43 South
Leoma, Tennessee

Mon.- Fri.  8:00-4:30

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
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Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Walter S Craig Leoma At Rest 200
Flossie Pucell Damron Leoma At Rest 201
Lee Roy Damron Leoma At Rest 201
Myrtle Betty Davis Leoma At Rest 201
Oma E Davis Leoma At Rest 201
William Void Davis Leoma At Rest 201
John Joseph Dukes Leoma At Rest 201
Bulah M Durham Leoma At Rest 201
J Elbert Durham Leoma At Rest 201
James A Durham Leoma At Rest 201
Aruther Lee Ellis Leoma At Rest 201
Jessie L Ellis Leoma At Rest 201
Alice Dora Faulkner Leoma At Rest 201
John W Faulkner Leoma At Rest 201
Virgie Faulkner Leoma At Rest 201
W W Faulkner Leoma At Rest 201
Gladys Foust Leoma At Rest 201
Job Foust Leoma At Rest 201
M A Foust Leoma At Rest 201
R H Foust Leoma At Rest 201
Laura Ethel Freeman Leoma At Rest 201
Emeline Garrard Leoma At Rest 201
Jack Garrard Leoma At Rest 201
Edna Lee Gibbs Leoma At Rest 201
Millard E, Jr Gibbs Leoma At Rest 201
Millard E, Sr Gibbs Leoma At Rest 201
Wilma G Gibbs Leoma At Rest 201
Leslie M Grinnell Leoma At Rest 201
Robert L Grinnell Leoma At Rest 201
Hazel S Harlan Leoma At Rest 201
James L Harlan Leoma At Rest 201
Lewis E (Dick) Harris Leoma At Rest 201
Martha Harris Leoma At Rest 201
William J G Harris Leoma At Rest 201
Maude Helm Leoma At Rest 201
C Talmadge Henderson Leoma At Rest 201
Charlcie Henderson Leoma At Rest 201
Chas P Henderson Leoma At Rest 201
Mattie A Henderson Leoma At Rest 201
Patriick W Henderson Leoma At Rest 201
James E Howard Leoma At Rest 201
Nancy C Howard Leoma At Rest 201
Patsy Ann Hudson Leoma At Rest 201
James (Jim) Hunt Leoma At Rest 202
Lou Jeannie Hunt Leoma At Rest 202
Margaret H Hunt Leoma At Rest 202
Delbert Welch Hurn Leoma At Rest 202
Alfred James Leoma At Rest 202
Bessie James Leoma At Rest 202
Desta A Johns Leoma At Rest 202