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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
Card View
Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
William Ererett Walker John Lay At Rest 198
John W Walton John Lay At Rest 198
Martha L Walton John Lay At Rest 198
Richard Walton John Lay At Rest 198
(Marker only) Wasson John Lay At Rest 198
Bessie L Webb John Lay At Rest 198
Ida M Webb John Lay At Rest 198
Riley J Webb John Lay At Rest 198
Amanda Weeks John Lay At Rest 198
Quill Weeks John Lay At Rest 198
Irma L West John Lay At Rest 198
R Arthur West John Lay At Rest 198
Buford Meadow White John Lay At Rest 198
Elbert V White John Lay At Rest 198
Estelle L White John Lay At Rest 198
Looney A White John Lay At Rest 198
Mary Bundrant White John Lay At Rest 198
Minnie R White John Lay At Rest 198
O Alon White John Lay At Rest 198
Jewel Whitsett John Lay At Rest 198
Lois Whitsett John Lay At Rest 198
Ola Bell Whitsett John Lay At Rest 198
Sidney Otis Whitsett John Lay At Rest 198
Flora E Wildes John Lay At Rest 198
J W Wildes John Lay At Rest 198
Birdie Alsup Leoma At Rest 199
John A Alsup Leoma At Rest 199
John L Alsup Leoma At Rest 199
Inf Arnold Leoma At Rest 199
Lula Arnold Leoma At Rest 199
Joe Atkins Leoma At Rest 199
Zona Atkins Leoma At Rest 199
Charlie D Bailey Leoma At Rest 199
Ralph Bailey Leoma At Rest 199
W F Bailey Leoma At Rest 199
Lois Barnett Leoma At Rest 199
Mae Burch Barnett Leoma At Rest 199
Roy T Baxter Leoma At Rest 199
Daniel E Wiesman John Lay At Rest 199
Alvin O Wilde John Lay At Rest 199
Maude M Wilde John Lay At Rest 199
Edna Cotton Williamson John Lay At Rest 199
Robey K Wilsford John Lay At Rest 199
Andrew Denson Wilson John Lay At Rest 199
Betty Jo Wilson John Lay At Rest 199
Edith May Winters John Lay At Rest 199
Isom H Winters John Lay At Rest 199
Necie A Woodard John Lay At Rest 199
Ross E Woodard John Lay At Rest 199
James L Wright John Lay At Rest 199