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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

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Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Catherine Bentley John Lay At Rest 184
John M Bentley John Lay At Rest 184
John William Black John Lay At Rest 184
William Franklin Black John Lay At Rest 184
Brady V Bobo John Lay At Rest 184
Daisy E Boyd John Lay At Rest 184
J Harrison Boyd John Lay At Rest 184
A M Brewer John Lay At Rest 184
Amanda P Brewer John Lay At Rest 184
Charlie D Brewer John Lay At Rest 184
Clyde C Brewer John Lay At Rest 184
Douglas W Brewer John Lay At Rest 184
Luda Brewer John Lay At Rest 184
Frances L Brian John Lay At Rest 184
George L Brian John Lay At Rest 184
Maggie L Brian John Lay At Rest 184
Willmot L Brian John Lay At Rest 184
Ella F, Mrs Brownlow John Lay At Rest 184
Kittie Brownlow John Lay At Rest 184
Leonard B Brownlow John Lay At Rest 184
Frank P Buchanan John Lay At Rest 184
Lydia Buchanan John Lay At Rest 184
Ada E Buckner John Lay At Rest 184
Ed Buckner John Lay At Rest 184
Walter S Buckner John Lay At Rest 184
Shelby T Buffaloe John Lay At Rest 184
Charles Arthur Buie John Lay At Rest 184
Charles Jackson Buie John Lay At Rest 184
Alfred J Bundrant John Lay At Rest 184
Annie Mae Bundrant John Lay At Rest 184
Fannie Huckaba Bundrant John Lay At Rest 184
William E Bundrant John Lay At Rest 184
Bobby W Burden John Lay At Rest 184
Sallie Burdick John Lay At Rest 184
William W Burgess John Lay At Rest 184
Anthony Burns John Lay At Rest 184
David Bryant Burns John Lay At Rest 184
Frank, Dr Burns John Lay At Rest 184
Harvey Buzbee John Lay At Rest 184
Herschel Byrd John Lay At Rest 184
Viola Byrd John Lay At Rest 184
Sharon Fay Cain John Lay At Rest 185
Joseph M Callahan John Lay At Rest 185
Margie L Callahan John Lay At Rest 185
Hulda F Calvert John Lay At Rest 185
Richard M Calvert John Lay At Rest 185
H A, Dr Campbell John Lay At Rest 185
Ola P Campbell John Lay At Rest 185
Martha Shuler Carden John Lay At Rest 185
Reuben H Carden John Lay At Rest 185