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Leoma, Tennessee

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"At Rest" Cemetery Survey Index

This database was constructed from the print index for the first volume of “At Rest”: Cemetery Records of Lawrence County, Tennessee, compiled by Irene McBane Alexander and Carrie Hardwick Gresham. The indexes for Supplements #1 – 4 will be added in the future. 

Record View
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Table View
First Name Last Name Cemetery Book Page
Robert G Brown Laws etery At Rest 182
Jas O Johnson Laws etery At Rest 182
Charles W Yeager Law Co Memorial Garden At Rest 182
Pauline Young Law Co Memorial Garden At Rest 182
W L, (Bud) Young Law Co Memorial Garden At Rest 182
Howard G Alexander John Lay At Rest 183
Annie Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Charles A Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Charles B Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Ed H Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Emma S Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Eugene Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Fanny Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Frank Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Hulda Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Lawrence Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Lois Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Mamie Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Nell S Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Newt Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
R L Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Vera Bailey John Lay At Rest 183
Mary C Baize John Lay At Rest 183
Nellie Baize John Lay At Rest 183
S V, Rev Baize John Lay At Rest 183
Booker R Baker John Lay At Rest 183
John T Banks John Lay At Rest 183
Lula Banks John Lay At Rest 183
Mabel C Barnes John Lay At Rest 183
Thomas A Barnes John Lay At Rest 183
James H Bates John Lay At Rest 183
James W Bates John Lay At Rest 183
Janie H Bates John Lay At Rest 183
Minnie B Bates John Lay At Rest 183
Alice E Beckham John Lay At Rest 183
Milton A Beckham John Lay At Rest 183
Virginia D Bedford John Lay At Rest 183
Wm Porter Beeler John Lay At Rest 183
Grave L Belew John Lay At Rest 183
T H Belew John Lay At Rest 183
Alice Jean Benefield John Lay At Rest 183
Andy J Benefield John Lay At Rest 183
Arthur J Benefield John Lay At Rest 183
Florence E Benefield John Lay At Rest 183
Jerry W Benefield John Lay At Rest 183
Jimmy E Benefield John Lay At Rest 183
Sarah Ann Benefield John Lay At Rest 183
Carloyne Bennett John Lay At Rest 183
William O Bennett John Lay At Rest 183
Charlie Benson John Lay At Rest 183